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Category: Mysteries
7 haunted Dunedin hotspots that will freak you out
From theatres to historical ruins, here we’ll explore the most notorious haunted Dunedin hotspots that have become part of local legend…
New Zealand’s most dangerous plant? The Tree Nettle, Ongaonga
The Tree Nettle or Ongaonga (Urtica ferox) is probably New Zealand’s most dangerous plant species lurking in the bush…
Mysteries of the Otago goldrush: who was Jack Tewa?
Jack Tewa left an enduring mark on Central Otago. However, relatively little is known about the life of this iconic character.
What was the hakuwai bird? A tale where history and legend entwine
‘Hakuwai, hakuwai hakuwai…’ That’s the mysterious call of a creature known as the hākuwai bird, only ever heard around South Cape and Motu Tītī (the Muttonbird Islands) in New Zealand’s deep south. It was never overtly seen and it’s identity still remains a mystery.
The Tarawera phantom canoe: revisiting Aotearoa’s enduring mystery
The story of the Tarawera phantom canoe and deadly eruption will forever haunt the Rotorua region. Here is an overview of this mysterious piece of New Zealand history.