Helpful Māori words to learn when you explore Aotearoa

Māori place names across Aotearoa reveal fascinating insights to NZ history, the features of landmarks, along with important tribal stories and traditions. By knowing a selection of Māori kupu (words) you can better deduce their meanings. Here are around 80 helpful Māori words and examples to help inform your travels.


Aka: harbour in the South Island dialect (in the North Island, harbour is whanga)
eg. Akaroa

Ahu: mound, to heap up
eg. Ahuroa

Ana: cave
eg. Anatoki

Ao: cloud
eg. Aotearoa (land of the long white cloud)

Ara: path
eg. Arahura, Aramiro

Awa: river
eg. Awahou, Awaiti, Awatuna

A weka travels an ara (path) to the moana (sea). ©Tourist Class Travel


Hau: wind (also other meanings)
eg. Haumoana, Hautere

Horo: landslip, or to run
eg. Horowhenua, Horotiu

Huka: foam, snow, or froth
eg. Huka Falls, Hukarere


Ika: fish
eg. Ikamatua

Iwi: bone
eg. Iwikatea


Kahu: the colour blue, or a garment. Not to be mistaken with kāhu, the Australian harrier hawk (Circus approximans gouldi).
eg. Kahurangi National Park

Kai: bite, eat, food.
eg. Kaituna, Kaikōura, Kaitāia

Kāinga: home, residence

Kete: basket usually made of harakeke (flax)
eg. Ketemarae

Kōpua: deep pool
eg. Kōpuawhara

Kōura: crayfish, lobster
eg. Kaikoura


: the colour white, or a stream
eg. Mākatote (stream of tree ferns)

Manawa: heart
eg. Manawatū

Mānia: plain
eg. Māniatoto

Manu: bird
eg. Manurewa

Manga: stream
eg. Mangaweka

Marae: traditional Māori meeting house, courtyard or meeting ground
eg. Maraeroa, Maraeweka

Pictured: the marae (meeting house) at Waitangi. It is customary to leave your shoes outside before stepping foot into a marae. ©Tourist Class Travel

Mataī: black pine (Prumnopitys taxifolia), a native tree
eg. Mataīnui

Mata: headland
eg. Matarawa, Mataroa

Maunga: mountain
eg. Maungahara

Moa: an extinct, flightless bird that once roamed New Zealand.
eg. Moa Flat, Moawhango

Moana: ocean
eg. Aramoana, Moana-a-Toi

Moe: to sleep
eg. Moeraki, Moehau

Moeraki (moe: sleep, raki: sky; a place to sleep during the day).
©Tourist Class Travel

Motu: Island, or clump of trees
eg. Motutara, Motunui

Mutu: cut short, end
eg. Te Awamutu


Ngahere: forest, bush

Ngā: the (plural form)
eg. Ngāmotu, Ngāwaka

Nui: big, plentiful


Ō or O: ‘place of’ or ‘belonging to’
eg. Ōaonui (the place of a large cloud)

Ora: good, well, safe
eg. Rangiora

One: beach, sand
eg. Onepoto

A weka walking across the shores of a sandy beach known as one in Maori
Along with one, tātahi is another word for the beach when used from the perspective of somebody standing on land ©Tourist Class Travel


: a fortified Māori village

Pae: ridge, step or bird-snare
eg. Paeroa

Papa: flat land, earth
eg. Papamoa, Papakura

Para: fern, often King fern (Marattia salicina). Also other meanings.
eg. Paramata, Paranui, Waipara

Pari: cliff
eg. Pariroa

Pipi: an edible shellfish (Paphies australis)
eg. Pipriki

Waikoropupū springs, Golden Bay. ©Tourist Class Travel

: darkness, night
eg. Pōnui, Takapō

Puke: hill
eg. Te Puke, Pukehiki

Pupū: to bubble up, rise
eg. Te Waikoropupū springs


Raki, Rangi: sky. Raki is the South Island form, whereas rangi is the North Island form.
eg. Aoraki, Rangitoto

Rimu: red pine, a native tree (Dacrydium cupressinum). Rimu or rimurimu is also a general term for seaweed.

Rere: to fly, flow, or a waterfall.

Roa: (adj) long
eg. Whangaroa, Akaroa

Roto: lake
eg. Rotomanu, Rotorua

Rua: the number 2, or a hole
eg. Ruatoki, Ruapehu

Ruru: Morepork owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae)


Tai: tide
eg. Tairua, Taitimu

Taki: South Island form of ‘sound’

Tangi: to weep, or North Island form of ‘sound’
eg. Tangiwai

Taniwha: a powerful water monster, guardian and/or spirit

Tapu: sacred
eg. Waitapu, Tikitapu

Te Tai timu, te tai pari. Ripiro, New Zealand. ©Tourist Class Travel

Tara: thorn, peak or seabird
eg. Motutara, Tarakai

Tahi: the number 1
eg. Taratahi

Te: the (singular form, as opposed to ngā used for plural nouns)
eg. Te Araroa, Te Horo

Toka: rock
eg. Tokaroa

Toki: adze
eg. Anatoki

: to stand
eg. Manawatū, Tūrangi

Tuna: eel
eg. Kaituna, Waituna


Wai: water
eg. Waikawa, Waimate, Waiora

Waka: a canoe
eg. Waiwaka, Wakanui

Weka: a native wood hen
eg. Mangaweka, Motu(w)eka

A weka walking across a beahc in New Zealand

Wera: hot, or burnt
eg. Waiwera, Weraroa


Whanga: harbour
eg. Whanganui, Whangarei

Whenua: land
eg. Horowhenua, uruwhenua

A red Maori carving on the side of a waka canoe
Traditionally, the colour red is considered tapu (sacred) to Māori, which is why you’ll see carvings often painted a red-ochre colour. ©Tourist Class Travel

Whana: to rush
eg. Whananaki

Whare: house
eg. Wharekauri, Wharepapa

Whero: (adj) red

Helpful resources

Want to learn more Te Reo Māori? I highly recommend the following:


Kia ora, I’m Holly After my first year of student-life at Otago University, I decided it was time for adventure! Since 2018 I have been lucky enough to embark on tiki-tours around NZ in my van and enjoy the amazing experiences Aotearoa has to offer. Now I’m a post-grad student who does music and art on the side… but when I have free time, I love discovering hidden gems and sharing my tips with fellow travellers 🙂

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